
19 Pins
Dust Right® Lathe Dust Collection System | Rockler Woodworking and Hardware
Dust Right®️️️️️️️ Lathe Dust Collection System This highly adjustable steel boom arm holds a semi-cylindrical dust scoop that closely cups your small turning projects, capturing nearly all dust!
Shop Tips
If you’re tired of tripping over extension cords and accidentally kicking them loose from the outlet, hang ’em high using the simple suspension cable shown. When you’re done for the day, the whole cord system slides back against the wall. Begin by driving two screw eyes into a ceiling joist to hold the clothesline. Fasten the clothesline to one screw eye, slip the metal shower curtain rings over it, and attach the other end to the other screw eye. Space the rings along the clothesline as ...
DIY Sand Blaster $50 in an Hour
Save $200 and 8 hours of assembly by making this yourself.
Savvy Home Tool Storage
Cut PVC into short pieces and mount on pegboard I have seen wider versions of this for a coatrack. That way you could put your phone, keys and wallet in the tube and hang your coat over it.
How to Build a French Cleat Tool Storage Wall
Organize your garage and cut the clutter with this garage storage system that you can easily customize to fit any space and can hold almost anything. You can quickly move hooks, shelves and bins around to for the most efficient arrangement. The entire system is inexpensive and easy to build. You only need two power tools—a circular saw and a drill. Learn how you can build it this weekend at
How to Build a Hand-Powered Drill Press – Mother Earth News
Hand powered drill press Lots of cool stuff for your living space!
Gabarits/Jigs Index
Best Collection of Jigs I've found. You won't believe what you will be able to do with these jigs.