Rock Climbing

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Joshua Tree - Day to Night in Photos
Joshua Tree Indian Cove Campground - See more photos of Joshua Tree by clicking on the photo.
Yosemite Nature Notes - 14 - Horsetail Fall
El Capitan in Yosemite Valley. For two weeks in February, the setting sun striking the waterfall creates a deep orange glow that resembles Yosemite's historic "Firefall."
Just another morning stroll? :: El Camino del Rey (King's pathway) - Málaga, Spain. The walkway is one metre (3 feet and 3 inches) in width, and rises over 100 metres (350 feet) above the river below.
Trip Report: Camp Muir, Mt. Rainier
view above clouds (Climbers on Ingraham Glacier, above Little Tahoma. Mount Rainier is a massive stratovolcano located 54 miles (87 km) southeast of Seattle in the state of Washington, United States.)
Neversink Pit
Neversink Pit :: Two cavers ascend out of the 162' Neversink Pit in Alabama. Photos do not give this place justice! This photo won an honorable mention in the 2006 NSS Slide Salon. ( photo By Brian Masney )
Fort Myers Museums, Attractions, Things To Do | Edison Ford Winter Estates
alternative for guest book at a party/wedding/reception
What a great set of ideas for making your home more kid-friendly! A rock wall, fire pole, climbing bars, and crash net will be sure to keep kids active.
Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Extreme Climbing Photography mymodernmet on 08 04 11 in Inspirations Colorado-​​based com­mer­cial and edi­to­r­ial pho­tog­ra­pher David Clif­ford has shot some of the best climbers in the world. As Photo Edi­tor at Rock & Ice Mag­a­zine, he’s been able to cre­ate long last­ing rela­tion­ships with these adren­a­line junkies, those who are so pas­sion­ate about climb­in
GMA's 10 Most Beautiful Places in America
Aspen, Colo. Aspen is an authentic mountain town best known for its world-class skiing in winter months and as an outdoor playground for mountain biking, rafting, fly fishing, rock climbing, hiking and more in warmer months. Tessa Lemke of Carbondale, Colo., submitted a photo of the magnificent Pyramid Peak, part of the summits of the Maroon Bells, a short drive from Aspen, which gave us our inspiration. "Every drive into Aspen has this beautiful view -- ever changing from red rock to snow-...
Garden of the Gods
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs-1805 N 30th St. (I25 Exit west 2.5mi, then south on 30th St), ☎ +1 719 634-6666. 5AM-11PM. A series of dramatic sandstone formations, enclosed by a city park. Excellent for hiking and technical rock climbing. free.
Amazing Places To Experience Around The Globe (Part 1)
Preacher's Rock in Norway...this looks phenomenal, and right in line with me doing the one thing I can't seem to get away from...mountain climbing!