• Gekks Gallery •

Gekks are thin, breathable liners that grip to the inside of your boat shoes, loafers, drivers, and more. Enjoy the luxury of keeping your casual style by slipping in and out of your shoes barefoot, while enjoying the powerful comfort and anti-stench properties inside.
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Shop Gekks for Men
Featured on Total Frat Move: Gekk Liners - not low cut socks. These customized liners fit almost all drivers, loafers and boat shoes while providing incredible comfort, sweat and stench prevention and give the effortless, classic style of a sockless look without the smelly, sticky side effects. Now available for in women's styles! www.MYGEKKS.com, available in 1, 2, 3 & 4 packs
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Gekks are not your typical low cut socks; using patented technology Gekks suction to almost all of your drivers, loafers and boat shoes in a no show position, while providing incredible comfort, sweat and stench prevention. Get the effortless, classic style of a sockless look without the smelly, sticky side effects. Now available for in women's styles! www.MYGEKKS.com, available in 1, 2, 3 & 4 packs
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Featured on Total Frat Move: Gekks Liners - not low cut socks. These customized liners fit almost all drivers, loafers and boat shoes while providing incredible comfort, sweat and stench prevention and give the effortless, classic style of a sockless look without the smelly, sticky side effects. Now available in women's styles! www.MYGEKKS.com, available in 1, 2, 3 & 4 packs
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Slip in and out barefoot, and get comfort and stench control when inside. The Gekks Trifecta! www.mygekks.com
It's time to go sockless! No more smelly boat shoes & loafers! Meet Gekks!
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Beaches, decks & docks are no place for socks! Enjoy the aesthetic of sockless style while our liners provide incredible comfort and powerful odor prevention! MYGEKKS.COM
Designer Clothes, Shoes & Bags for Women | SSENSE
"Gekks, Go Sockless" meet the ultimate ultra-thin low cut liners that are inserted in your leather shoe and stay put, so you can step in and out of your shoes barefoot confident you will be odorlessly comfortable!
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Gekks Low Cut Liners give you the comfort of stepping in and out of your leather shoes sockless, eliminating the odor usually associated with it. #Gekks #GoSockless #NoMoreSocks #Sockless #OdorlessLiners #StayPutSocks
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Gekks Low Cut Liners -- Say goodbye to hot, sticky, smelly feet. Keep the convenience of slipping in and out of your loafers, but add comfort and odor control. Kickstarter bound!
The Innovative No Show Sock for Flats, Loafers, & Sneakers
Gekks Low Cut Liners - Say goodbye to hot, sticky, smelly feet. Keep the convenience of slipping in and out of your loafers, but add comfort and odor control.