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What Stop Feeding the Predators "DOES". . . Our main focus, simply phrased, is to educate people about sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape. (We understand the phrasing may be different for each person.) We offer support to people who have been sexually abused when they were kids regardless of their age today. We offer support to parents whose children have been sexually abused. Healing starts here.
Sexual assault and rape are NOT about sex. They are about power and control. When one person decides that their interest to have "immediate sexual gratification" is more important than another's right to be left alone, that is NOT about sex. If I aggressively wrap my arm around your throat, I am NOT hugging you. I'm choking you. That is assault! Understanding the difference between sex and assault means ending the accusations against the person being attacked. Healing starts here.
Trusting people is NOT a character defect. Lying to people IS a character defect. Learn to trust YOURSELF before anyone else and you'll be able to sort out the liars from the real people worthy of your trust! Healing starts here.
Don't stick in thinking the life of today is the ONLY life. At 2 months old, riding a bicycle was not in your mind. At 10, a lifelong career was far from your mind. Our life is NOT a constant "place to be". Whether positive, happy days are upon us, or we are in a learning phase where things fall apart when we really want them to stay together, life is all about change, growth, and healing. How we change, direction we grow and WHEN we heal is up to us. Healing starts here.
You will begin seeing this logo more often! Stop Feeding the Predators is on Facebook, too! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Feeding-the-Predators/447206428660189?ref=hl Healing starts here.
Stop Feeding the Predators....come join us on FaceBook & make a difference! This is the FB link. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Feeding-the-Predators/447206428660189 Healing starts here.
CJ-Non_prof-Stop Feeding the Predators Great video to watch and find out what Stop Feeding the Predators is all about! Healing starts here.