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4y - #Repost @greenharvard ・・・ Today, on the 50th Anniversary of #EarthDay, we all act together for a better and more sustainable future. Join us in this campaign and let us know: What makes your life sustainable? #SustainTogether #SustainableHarvard #greenatcut @greenatcut @cyprusuniversitytechnology @youthforclimatecy @sec.cut | Facebook
#Repost @greenharvard Today on the 50th Anniversary of #EarthDay we all act together for a better and more sustainable future. Join us in this campaign and let us know: What makes your life sustainable? #SustainTogether #SustainableHarvard #greenatcut @greenatcut @cyprusuniversitytechnology @youthforclimatecy @sec.cut - #Repost @greenharvard ・・・ Reducing and Reusing are extremely important steps for a sustainable life! @HarvardZeroWaste has been helping the @Harvard community reduce waste and properly dispose recyclables and compostable materials. Learn more about ways to limit your carbon footprint on their page #SustainableHarvard #EarthDay #EarthDay2020 @greenatcut #greenatcut @cyprusuniversitytechnology #cyunitech | Facebook
#Repost @greenharvard Reducing and Reusing are extremely important steps for a sustainable life! @HarvardZeroWaste has been helping the @Harvard community reduce waste and properly dispose recyclables and compostable materials. Learn more about ways to limit your carbon footprint on their page #SustainableHarvard #EarthDay #EarthDay2020 @greenatcut #greenatcut @cyprusuniversitytechnology #cyunitech - #Repost @foecyprus ・・・ 🎉Η γιορτή των σκουπιδιών ξεκινά σήμερα και εμείς μελετήσαμε τα πιο δημοφιλή σκουπίδια (4 σπρέι αφρού και σερμπαντίνας). ❗️Τα συμπεράσματα είναι, δυστυχώς, αρκετά ανησυχητικά... ♻️ Θέλουμε ένα πιο οικολογικό καρναβάλι, με πολύ λιγότερα σκουπίδια! 👉Διαβάστε το δελτίο τύπου που ετοιμάσαμε (στα Ελληνικά) και ολόκληρη την έρευνά μας (στα Αγγλικά) εδώ: ---- 🎉The celebration of waste starts today and we researched the most popular waste (4 spray cans of silly string and foam). ❗️The conclusions are, unfortunately, quite worrying... ♻️We want a more eco-friendly carnival, with much less waste. 👉Click here to read our press release (in Greek) and our full research briefing (in English): #sprayfreecarnival #zerowastecarnival #bansillystring #banfoamspray #greenatcut @greenatcut | Facebook
#Repost @foecyprus Η γιορτή των σκουπιδιών ξεκινά σήμερα και εμείς μελετήσαμε τα πιο δημοφιλή σκουπίδια (4 σπρέι αφρού και σερμπαντίνας). Τα συμπεράσματα είναι δυστυχώς αρκετά ανησυχητικά... Θέλουμε ένα πιο οικολογικό καρναβάλι με πολύ λιγότερα σκουπίδια! Διαβάστε το δελτίο τύπου που ετοιμάσαμε (στα Ελληνικά) και ολόκληρη την έρευνά μας (στα Αγγλικά) εδώ: ---- The celebration of waste starts today and we researched the most popular waste (4 spray cans of silly string an - #Repost @sec.cut ・・・ Καλύτερες πρακτικές από τους φοιτητές μας! #best#practice#act#now#climate#change | Facebook
#Repost @sec.cut Καλύτερες πρακτικές από τους φοιτητές μας! #best#practice#act#now#climate#change - Αν θελεις την αλλαγη, πρέπει να επιμενεις: #Repost @gretathunberg ・・・ School strike week 73. #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #SchoolStrike4Climate | Facebook
Αν θελεις την αλλαγη πρέπει να επιμενεις: #Repost @gretathunberg School strike week 73. #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #SchoolStrike4Climate - #Repost @sec.cut ・・・ CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Weight the waste Contest ⚖🗑 Enter the contest and win EVERY WEEK💪 Steps: 👣 1)Upload a pic of waste ( post, story , FB Comment ) 📸 2)Give us detailed location of your photo (chat or comment)📍 3)Throw a guess on the Weight of the Waste🤔 4)Tag one friend and challenge them🏷 5)Use the Hashtag #wtwcut and Tag @sec.cut #️⃣ 🤑🤑Enter the chance to win 🤑🤑 FIRST DRAW: 7TH DECEMBER. 🥇 PRIZE ONE FREE BOTTLE AT Άρωμα Πόλης Εναλλακτικό Καφενείο @aroma.polis ON 8TH OF DECEMBER (birthday party).🍾 Link in bio for Rules and Regulations .🔗 Don't hesitate to contact us or join our TEAM 🙃 Let’s keep the University area and our city clean , raise waste awareness and include everyone in the process🧹. We aim to show the students that we are able to make a change and limit our waste. 🤏The goal is to gain information about where the university lack’s recycling bins, inform and include academic staff members in the process. Valid contestants must like and follow our pages👍. ( Instagram and Facebook) and use the hashtag #wtwcut to submit entry. Contest will end on 29/Dec 2019.⏳ | Facebook
#Repost @sec.cut CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Weight the waste Contest Enter the contest and win EVERY WEEK Steps: 1)Upload a pic of waste ( post story FB Comment ) 2)Give us detailed location of your photo (chat or comment) 3)Throw a guess on the Weight of the Waste 4)Tag one friend and challenge them 5)Use the Hashtag #wtwcut and Tag @sec.cut # Enter the chance to win FIRST DRAW: 7TH DECEMBER. PRIZE ONE FREE BOTTLE AT Άρωμα Πόλης Εναλλακτικό Καφενείο @aroma.polis ON 8TH OF DECEMBER (birthday - #Repost @sec.cut ・・・ Σήμερα έγινε με επιτυχία η πρώτη μας εκδήλωση, σε συνεργασία με @eliminate1useplastics και @letsmakecyprusgreen . Πολλοί φοιτητές γράφτηκαν στον Περιβαλλοντικό Ομιλο αλλά και βοήθησαν έτσι ώστε να αναπτύξει το #eucitec εκπαιδευτικες πρακτικές και καινοτόμους ψηφιακούς πόρους για να μπορούν οι φοιτητές μας να ερευνήσουν, να αναπτύξουν και να πράξουν ως ασφαλείς πολίτες σε πραγματικές συνθήκες στην πλέον πολυπολιτισμική δημοκρατία. Ανυπομονούμε για τις επόμενες μας εκδηλώσεις και ενέργειες και την δική σας στήριξη! Αν θέλετε να γραφτείτε στον Περιβαλλοντικό Ομιλο link in bio! Μεγάλες ευχαριστίες στο @cutingedgelimassol @cutmakerslab @cyprusuniversitytechnology @erasmus__cut και στο @greenatcut @cutmakerslab . Go green🌍 | Facebook
#Repost @sec.cut Σήμερα έγινε με επιτυχία η πρώτη μας εκδήλωση σε συνεργασία με @eliminate1useplastics και @letsmakecyprusgreen . Πολλοί φοιτητές γράφτηκαν στον Περιβαλλοντικό Ομιλο αλλά και βοήθησαν έτσι ώστε να αναπτύξει το #eucitec εκπαιδευτικες πρακτικές και καινοτόμους ψηφιακούς πόρους για να μπορούν οι φοιτητές μας να ερευνήσουν να αναπτύξουν και να πράξουν ως ασφαλείς πολίτες σε πραγματικές συνθήκες στην πλέον πολυπολιτισμική δημοκρατία. Ανυπομονούμε για τις επόμενες μας εκδηλώσεις και ε - Αύριο στις 10:00. Προαύλιο κτηρίου Ανδρέας Θεμιστοκλέους: #Repost @eliminate1useplastics ・・・ #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut | Facebook
Αύριο στις 10:00. Προαύλιο κτηρίου Ανδρέας Θεμιστοκλέους: #Repost @eliminate1useplastics #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut - #Repost @eliminate1useplastics ・・・ #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut | Facebook
#Repost @eliminate1useplastics #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut - #Repost @eliminate1useplastics ・・・ #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut | Facebook
#Repost @eliminate1useplastics #eliminate #cyprus #cyprusuniversityoftechnology #environment #earth #life #plastics #green #greencut #eliminate #gogreen #greenlife #environmentallyfriendly @greenatcut #greenatcut - #Repost @youthforclimatecy ・・・ 🗣Panel Discussion with Public Authorities Friday 08.11.2019 17:00 Previously, through the past 6 climate protests held in Nicosia, we have demanded and highlighted the importance of alignment of the energy&climate plan(2021-30) with science. This is actually the time where public authorities by law need to consider public opinion before finalizing the energy plan. This is our chance to get informed, our chance to directly ask and discuss with the editors of this energy plan. WE ALL MUST BE PRESENT AT THIS CALL! Let’s “flood” the rooms of the university and show how important our future is! #climatechange #environment #humanrights #opendiscussion #panel #ipcc #public #cyprus | Facebook
#Repost @youthforclimatecy Panel Discussion with Public Authorities Friday 08.11.2019 17:00 Previously through the past 6 climate protests held in Nicosia we have demanded and highlighted the importance of alignment of the energy&climate plan(2021-30) with science. This is actually the time where public authorities by law need to consider public opinion before finalizing the energy plan. This is our chance to get informed our chance to directly ask and discuss with the editors of this energy - #Repost @youthforclimatecy ・・・ 🗣Panel Discussion with Public Authorities Friday 08.11.2019 17:00 Previously, through the past 6 climate protests held in Nicosia, we have demanded and highlighted the importance of alignment of the energy&climate plan(2021-30) with science. This is actually the time where public authorities by law need to consider public opinion before finalizing the energy plan. This is our chance to get informed, our chance to directly ask and discuss with the editors of this energy plan. WE ALL MUST BE PRESENT AT THIS CALL! Let’s “flood” the rooms of the university and show how important our future is! #climatechange #environment #humanrights #opendiscussion #panel #ipcc #public #cyprus #greenatcut @greenatcut | Facebook
#Repost @youthforclimatecy Panel Discussion with Public Authorities Friday 08.11.2019 17:00 Previously through the past 6 climate protests held in Nicosia we have demanded and highlighted the importance of alignment of the energy&climate plan(2021-30) with science. This is actually the time where public authorities by law need to consider public opinion before finalizing the energy plan. This is our chance to get informed our chance to directly ask and discuss with the editors of this energy - After a long period of failed motivation projects and opportunities in order to promote the engagement of Cyprus’s University of Technology Students for the fight against Climate Change, I decided to use the Erasmus+ staff exchange program and visit a University that its students already doing a lot regarding the Climate Emergency. I used my contacts from International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) in order to find that University. Meri Löyttyniemi, the talented Sustainability professional of Aalto University, replied positively accepting this challenge. I met Meri at the 2014 ISCN conference, a very important milestone, which made my decision of going to Aalto easier. Meri introduced me to Rosa Väisänen, the International Affairs & Sustainability Specialist of Aalto University Student Union (AYY). I got confused. Why working with the Student union? What is this? But of course, as always, I kept an open mind since in Sustainability you need to. For more here and in bio: _______________________________________ @greenatcut#greenatcut @cyprusuniversitytechnology #cyunitech @aaltouniversity @ayy_fi @cut_library @erasmus_at_cut | Facebook
After a long period of failed motivation projects and opportunities in order to promote the engagement of Cypruss University of Technology Students for the fight against Climate Change I decided to use the Erasmus staff exchange program and visit a University that its students already doing a lot regarding the Climate Emergency. I used my contacts from International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) in order to find that University. Meri Löyttyniemi the talented Sustainability professional of Aa - added a new photo.