Legacy - Reflections of a Homeschooled, Homeschooling Mama

Homeschool, Family Discipleship to the glory of God www.facebook.com/Legacyhomeschoolreflections
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Preparing for Thanksgiving
On this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections podcast I share ideas for cultivating hearts of gratitude during this special Thanksgiving season. #thanksgiving #gratefulfamilies #wegivethanks #familydiscipleship #homeschoolmom #gratitude #grateful #momlife #mothering #gratefulhearts
The Power of the Word of God in Mothering
We are so blessed to have God’s living and abiding Word to guide us through the seasons of mothering. Listen to today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast and be encouraged to draw strength from God’s love letter to us, the Bible.
Homeschool Bravely: Interview with Jamie Erickson
Ruth and Jamie discuss how we can homeschool bravely when we know and remember that God is faithful in the homeschooling journey.
Legacy Homeschool Reflections on Twitter
Legacy Homeschool Reflections on Twitter: "Her dad @O_H_Dad took her to work and printed out this color sheet for her. I love it! Our home is our school! 💗 #homeschoollife #ordinaryhomeschooldad #legacyreflectionsofahomeschooledhoneschoolingmamabook #legacyhomeschoolreflections #largefamilymothering #homeeducation… https://t.co/S0vXYIcnBQ"
White as Snow
Through Christ our sins can be washed white as snow. That gives us joy and peace! #legacyreflectionsofahomeschooledhomeschollingmamaboook #mothering #homeschoolingmama #whiteassnow #homeeducation #homeschoolpodcast #familydiscipleship #legacyhomeschoolreflectionspodcast
Overflowing with Thankfulness
This episode of the “Legacy Homeschool Reflections podcast” encourages you in ways of cultivating gratitude in your family. #gratitude #gratefulness #homeschoolingmama #familydiscipleship #homeeducation #colossians #mothering
I Can’t Believe You Just Said That; An Interview with Ginger Hubbard
Ginger and I talk about responding to behavior issues in our children in Biblical ways. #familydiscipleship #homeschooling #homeeducation #mothering #trainingheartsathome #charactertraining #trainachildinthewayheshouldgo #childtraining #hearttraining #christianmothering #legacyhomeschoolreflectionspodcast #gingerhubbard #icantbelieveyoujustsaidthat
Homeschool Bravely: Interview with Jamie Erickson
Ruth and Jamie discuss how we can homeschool bravely when we know and remember that God is faithful in the homeschooling journey.
Standing Firm in the Midst of Struggles
Life can oftentimes be tough, but we can stand upon the truth of God’s eternal Word as we set the Lord always before us. #standfirminthefaith #homeschool #familydiscipleship #homeeducation #heisfaithful #homeschoolingmama #ineedtheeeveryhour #legacyhomeschoolreflectionspodcast
The Power of the Word of God in Mothering
We are so blessed to have God’s living and abiding Word to guide us through the seasons of mothering. Listen to today’s episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast and be encouraged to draw strength from God’s love letter to us, the Bible.
Keeping our eyes on Jesus
#legacyhomeschoolreflections #matthew6:33 #homeschoolingmama #familydiscipleship
Ordering Your Homeschool Days
#homeschool #homeschoolschedule #homeschoolingmama #familydiscipleship homeschoolplan
Courtship, Dating and Falling Away
Josh Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, has sadly stated that he does not think he is a Christian. He and his wife have separated, and he has undermined the authority of God’s Word. My heart is sad, and I hope this podcast gives hope and encouragement to pursue a spouse using Biblical principles.
Less Pride, More Humility
As Christians we are called to walk in humility. In this episode of the podcast we discuss this topic and applications to our parenting.