Elementary Math

Educational activities, printables and ideas in the domain of math.
4,683 Pins
9 Sections
5th Grade Measurement Bundle
Fifth Grade Measurement Bundle is made up of 6 powerpoint lessons (360 slides) covering customary and metric length, customary and metric weight, and customary and metric capacity. Students will become familiar with these units and be able to covert back and forth in their category. #5thgrademeasurement #customary length #metriclength #customaryweight #metricweight #customary volume #metricvolume #medriccapacity
3rd Grade Measurement Powerpoint Lesson Bundle
3rd Grade Measurement Powerpoint Lesson Bundle is composed of the following lessons: Measurement 1 - Volume Customary, Measurement 2 - Metric Volume, Measurement 3 - Customary Weight (Mass), Measurement 4 - Metric Weight (Mass), Measurement 5 - Customary Length, Measurement 6 - Metric Length.
5th Grade Customary Liquid Volume Powerpoint Lesson
Fifth Grade Measurement 5 - Customary Liquid Volume (Capacity) Powerpoint Lesson is powerful when used as direct instruction in the classroom, online, or individually. It teaches students the different members of the customary volume family: cup, pint, quart, and gallon and when to use them. Students will also learn how to convert from one unit to another. There are 22 effective teaching strategies based on research used in this lesson.