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Non-Fiction Text Reponse Graphic Organizer
Non-Fiction Text Response Graphic Organizer. 5-3-1. Can be used with any informational text and hits second grade common core reading standard RI.2.1.
Mint Tin Book Report • Teacher Thrive
Mint Tin Book Report: A fun, "little" twits on the traditional book report.
A Poem Is... | April Rain Song | Disney Junior
"A Poem Is..." {by Disney} This is a great little video inspiring children to fall in love poetry. It would be a great introductory piece to the unit.
this video is so funny u should watch it I love it my class was laughing at the part when the man said ''your beard is so fat not even Dora can explore it lol its about hyperboles
6 Great Tips To Teach Point Of View With Anchor Charts And Activities
This point of view blog post outlines point of view activities for first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. The blog post outlines point of view anchor charts, point of view activities, point of view read alouds, and point of view lesson plans. #pointofviewactivities #pointofviewanchorcharts
Movie Shorts and Reading Strategies
Teacher has created long list of cartoon Pixar (and other) shorts to be used to teach reading strategies. She also has graphic organizers to go with them....Totally and completely amazing! What a great way to get (and keep) the kids' attention!
Music, Media, Games
Dexter is like a square peg in a round hole: he just cant fit in. All the kids in his class enjoy the zany things their teacher Mr. Ditzwinkle does to make learning fun. All except Dexter, the weirdo
More Enrichment Ideas!
April is National Poetry Month, why not have your students take "selfie" shots and write "Selfie Poems!"
Reading Strategies that Work!
Why I love the book Strategies That Work and FREE posters for your classroom!