
How to Add an Extra Shelf Inside a Cabinet with HybriBond Tape
Don't let that vertical space in your cabinet go to waste! Isabelle LaRue shows you how to quickly add an extra shelf in a cabinet. This could be your next afternoon kitchen DIY.
Hidden Fridge Gap Slide-Out Pantry
A minimalist DIY that made a huge improvement in a tiny kitchen . Here's how boston09 turned a 4.5 inch gap into a rolling pantry... using no tool fancier than a hack saw!
"Summer Social" Guest Project -- Make an Embellished Grocery Bag Container!! {great item to keep in your car}
How to roll plastic bags so they come out like wipes...amazing idea
How To Build a DIY Magazine Rack
Genius!From Home Depot. Paint them whatever color, glue each one together and make a great magazine, book, or mail holder. Awesome idea, I need this for my office!
I love this idea to use pretty tea cups for scooping sugars and flours out of big jars! Pantry Remodel and Organization
Adding Farmhouse charm - Deja Vue Designs
storage solutions for tiny kitchens | Country Farmhouse Kitchen: Small Storage Solution Using Collected Ball ...
Printable Vintage Chalkboard Pantry Labels + Gluten-Free Set
Free printable chalkboard pantry labels -
20+ Kitchen Organizing Ideas: Tips that will Change Your Life – Jenna Burger Design LLC – Interior Design & Architectural Consulting
Organizing for the Home: 30+ ideas, tips, & tricks to help organize every nook & cranny in the home
25 Bedroom Storage Ideas for a More Organized Sleeping Space
Before you throw out that old dresser, create roll-away under-bed storage drawers. Love this idea from Better Homes and Gardens. Would be a great shoe storage idea. (wow great idea)