The Mizpah Album

A Collection of Photographs of Palestine and Transjordan given to British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel – The Mizpah Album, 1925. To read more about the The Mizpah Album in English see:
53 Pins
Lord Balfour declaring the University open. On the platform: Mr. Ginsberg (Ahad Ha-am); Chief Rabbi Meir; Chief Rabbi Kook; Lord Allenby; Sir Herbert Samuel; Dr. Weizmann; Chief Rabbi Dr. Hertz; Sir Arthur Schuster; Mr. Sokolow; Mr. Ussischkin [1/4/1925]
On the site of the [cornerstones of the] Hebrew University: Mr. Winston Churchill speaking; March, 1920 [29/3/1921]
Mr. Churchill planting a tree on the University site [29/3/1921]
Trans-Jordan Independence Day: The High Commissioner reading the Declaration of His Majesty's Government 14.3.23
5th century mosaic: Map of Palestine: Church of Madeba
Surrender of Jerusalem, [9] December 1917: meeting of the mayor with two British soldiers
H.M.S. Centaur arriving at Jaffa with the High Commissioner, July 1, 1920