
Clothing Shoes for Men
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RUST CHECK Take a look at this fantastic KING & BAY Stone Grey & Rust Check Suit. With its phenomenal texture, the pattern is raised for a dynamic and eye catching look #mykingandbay
KEEP THE TONES TIGHT One of the best ways to work with a patterned suit that features a second colour is to bring that secondary colour out in the shirt, tie & pocket square combo. For this KING & BAY Charcoal & Merlot Glen Check Suit, we paired a white shirt along with a merlot tie and merlot square for a cohesive and well coordinated look #mykingandbay
distinguished suit from affordable luxury for all
Moda i odzież męska - modne ubrania, ciuchy dla mężczyzny | Mercer Fashion
Mercer Szycie na Miarę - Poznań i Warszawa #mercerfashion #drago #suit #modamęska #garnitur #szycienamiare #Warszawa #Poznan
Men's Suits
If you're one of those guys who like to keep your look on the darker side, that doesn't mean you have to be a Johnny Cash look alike and only wear black. The key to this look is to always keep your tie darker then your shirt. As for the suit, a gray, navy blue or charcoal color is sometimes a better option then just black. Ps. Wearing all black makes you look like a floating head in pictures in dark rooms.