Leading Consciously Blog

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Initiators of change: How to produce growth in the chaos of disaster - Leading Consciously Blog #109
You’re living a good life: working at a meaningful job, paying your bills, contributing to your community. When disaster strikes – as it inevitably does – what is your response? Do you wait for someone to fix it? Do you dwell on the unfairness of it all? What do you need to move ahead? Angela Blanchard is an expert in disaster recovery, having cut her teeth on the response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. She thrives in chaotic situations that would daunt most of us.
For the new year... How to put down the puzzle and happily get back to work - Leading Consciously
What about our determination to stop procrastinating now? If all it took was a resolution once a year, we’d be speeding along. What keeps you from doing what you really want to do? What is your self-talk to get it done—or when you don’t get it done? What does it mean to you to put things off? What would it mean to you if you could learn how to stop putting things off? Jean has been struggling to write this blog post on procrastination, self-discipline, and habits for over a year.
Healing ourselves: How to resolve our inner conflicts and use our power for good - #105
This week Jean interviews Peter Michaelson, whose most recent book is "Our Deadly Flaw: Healing the Inner Conflict that Cripples Us and Subverts Society." His website is WhyWeSuffer.com. What if you had no inner critic telling you you’re just not good enough? What if you learned to silence your inner critic? What if your inner passivity didn’t allow your inner critic to rule? What could you accomplish? Watch the interview to hear Peter's answers to these questions.
Today is a day for giving thanks and the gift of gratitude - Leading Consciously Blog #105
No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. But any amount of gratitude changes the present. — Marc & Angel Chernoff Thanksgiving Day is not consistently a holiday of joy throughout the United States. To some Native American peoples, it’s a "day of mourning" because of the genocide and stolen lands that followed that famous First Thanksgiving Day in November 1621 Despite this gut-wrenching history, how can we still practice Thanksgiving as a day of gratitude?
Is good ethics compatible with good business? And can we resolve that dilemma? - Leading Consciously
Jean interviews Alison Taylor and Brian Harward of the NYU Stern School of Business on the viability of operating ethically in business. Ethical behavior in corporations goes beyond compliance with laws to include anticorruption, sustainability, human rights, culture and behavior, and employee and stakeholder engagement. Can businesses thrive while operating ethically? Will shareholders accept reduced profits to increase ethical decisions in support of equitable practices? #Business #Ethics
In today's Tower of Babel, can we even agree on what social justice means? -Leading Consciously #103
The polarization in this country has grown so vast that words we use in common do not mean the same things. Is there any hope for bridging the divide? Jean takes an exploratory look at some unexpected comments about social justice on the Leading Consciously Facebook page. What did she find that shocked her? What gave her hope? #LeadingConsciously #SocialJustice #BridgingDifferences
Reclaiming identity after genocide: How one woman works to restore Native rights Leading Consciously
What is the relationship of Indigenous peoples to the land, and how does it differ from the Europeans who settled it? What really happened in the boarding schools? What would be lost if Indigenous people were completely assimilated into White society? And would they ever be accepted even then? Jean gains answers to these questions from Dina Gilio-Whitaker, a lecturer of American Indian Studies at California State University San Marcos. #indigenouspeople #leadingconsciously #identity
In search of truth and reconciliation: Can we forgive atrocities? - Leading Consciously Blog #101
In this week’s interview, Jean speaks with Virginie Ladisch, an expert in truth-seeking and civic engagement at the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ). As initiators of change, the ICTJ works with victims and survivors of massive human rights violations to hold those responsible to account, reform and build democratic institutions, and prevent the recurrence of violence or repression. What are the results? #LeadingConsciously #SocialJustice #HumanRights
The power of "why"; how to sharpen your questions for better answers - Leading Consciously Blog #99
Jean interviews Brian Lassiter about quality management, the need to hardwire equity and inclusion into business practices, and the skill of asking questions well. What is the process for understanding and formalizing successful processes? How do you fit diversity, inclusion, and equity into those processes? And most important, how do you learn to ask questions that provide information instead of defensiveness? #Communication #SocialJustice #Workplace #LeadingConsciously
The benefits and perils of electronic communication - Leading Consciously #98
We already know that different communication styles in the workplace are ripe for misinterpretation. Now add the proliferation of electronic communication channels (email, text, Slack, Teams) and the reduction in personal relationships due to remote work. What could possibly go wrong? In this blog post, Jean talks about three common breakdowns in email communications and how to handle them to avoid rework and reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace. #Communication #LeadingConsciously
Racial terror and broken promises: Why this is the right time for reparations - Leading Consciously
People ask: what is the point of reparations for past injustice? They don’t undo the past. People today were not slave owners. So what’s the rationale? Kamilah Moore is chair of the California Reparations Task Force. She and Jean talk about "standing in the shoes of…," racial terror, the wealth gap, cultural appropriation, and generational debt. Racial Justice Training // Race Conscious // Meaning guide to // Whiteness and Racism #RaceConscious #RacialJustice #Allyship #LeadingCosciously
Resilience in dark times; what keeps us going at Leading Consciously? - Leading Consciously Blog #96
We are living in turbulent times. What to do? How to cope? How are each of us in Leading Consciously coping? There’s a reason we call our process "guided learning" rather than "lecturing." Coping is not a one-and-done. This is another way of saying that we, too, are learning our way, following our own principles and skill sets for how to get there. Read how each of the Leading Consciously staff copes in these dark times: #LeadingConsciously #Coping #HardTimes
Reclaiming history and identity: restoring tribal names in the national parks - Leading Consciously
What happens to a people’s identity when conquerors rename everything after themselves? How does the original owner’s history disappear? How does this renaming appeal to the descendants of the conquerors? If the subjugated people are invisible, why should anyone bother to preserve them? Dr. Bonnie McGill is on a mission to make indigenous people visible again. #Identity #DiversityandInclusion #Diversity #BridgingDifferences
Your ancestors' trauma doesn't have to be yours; how to heal and grow - Leading Consciously #93
Do you wonder to what extent our parents’ and grandparents’ history affect our mental health? How much of what we treat as mental illness is a result of the trauma they experienced? And whose fault is it? Or maybe it’s no one’s fault. This time Jean interviews Jasmin Joseph, a writer, researcher, and aspiring producer, on intergenerational trauma and how it impacts mental health. #MentalHealth #Trauma #GenerationalTrauma #InnerChild
The buck stops here. Ten obstacles on the road to embracing change - Leading Consciously Blog #92
I’m Carole Marmell, content editor of Leading Consciously, and I’m the originator of the quote, "I don’t want to change, I should be good enough by now." Yet an exploration of how much I didn’t change in the past three years proved that I did, indeed, take some huge risks. That’s why I wrote this blog. https://www.leadingconsciously.com/blog/buck-stops-here-ten-obstacles-road-embrace-change-92 #Change #PersonalGrowth #Motivation