Cards Humor

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I may not be as smart as some of my coworkers think they are, but I am not as stupid as they think I am either.
Oh wow, you're calling out of work again? I think I'll more surprised when you actually come in and stay a full day.
Oh sure, yes, I understand ...... you're stressed because you're not sure when I'm going to have time to do your job and mine.
It's not the job itself that drives me insane - it's the stupid idiots I work with and the immature crap I have to put up with daily.
Here's your prescription for get the heck out of the ER and go see your family doctor about this stupid crap.
Funny Work Memes: Your Survival Kit For The Office Grind
I've seen monkey shit fights at the zoo more organized than my workplace!
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about. But please, continue.