lat168 windsurfing

Some great photos with me doing windsurfing.
31 Pins
Krisjanis Tutans@ Ristna 28.11.2015 Full gallery - #NikonD810 #Nikkor400mm2.8 J.Ree Photography
Sometimes people ask me - Ernest, we have waves in Baltic sea suitable for Waveriding??? - I Think this beautyful shot from Ristna, is Answer! Ernest Brendel.
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Aerila attemp @Karosta, Liepaja. Pic by Marija Rozite.
Cutback at Palmbeach, Liepaja. Photo by Martins Kohs.
An Aerial for homespot Pavilosta, South harbour. Used 4.7m2 Super Freak Maui ed. and 95l Trifin. Picture by M.Rozīte.
GuScrew at El Cabezo, Tenerife in January of 2015.