Jamberry Nails

158 Pins
I'm loving Serenity (one of this year's Colour of the Year, chosen by Pantone). I'm wearing #serenityombrejn #serenityjn #trushinejn #overlapjn #jamicure #jamberry #igetpaidforthis #igetpaidtohaveprettynails #jamberryconsultant #nailart #nailwraps
When I first saw this wrap in the new catalog, I admit I wasn't impressed. Then I saw it posted online on hands and I fell in love. This week's mani: 'Hint of Mint' lacquer with 'Overlap' wraps. ❤❤ #jamberry #manicure
Jun 13, 2014
Video - trick to applying Jamberry nail wraps when you have very very curvy nails. Cut tiny slits in each side of your wrap.
Baseball Method for Curvy or Domed Nails
Baseball Method for Curvy or Domed Nails @poulsenl I want you to try this with your next Jamicure!