
17 Pins
33 Awesomely Cool DIY Light Fixtures For Your Home
33 Awesomely Cool DIY Light Fixtures That Will Illuminate With Warmth
Vintage souvenirs reborn: Tea towel chairs and teaspoon chandeliers - Retro Renovation
The Best Ikea Lamp Hack - Rismon Map Lampshade
Decoupage your favourite maps onto a Rismon lamp, for a great Ikea lamp hack.
10 Creative DIY Light Fixtures That Won't Break the Bank
Light fixtures are so expensive. LOVE this list of creative and beautiful DIY light fixtures, especially number 4. Can't wait to try it!
Garbage Lamps: From Trash To Treasure
These hanging lights are made out of old tea kettles, cake plate covers, colanders, etc! How cool for a kitchen or patio/porch
Lampenschirm selber machen – Bastelideen aus Alltagsgegenständen
Lampenschirm selber machen - Bastelideen aus Alltagsgegenständen
15 "Under $100" Lighting Solutions for Every Room
Lighting Goes Industrial: 14 Factory Looks That Work at Home
How To Upcycle Thrift Shop Finds Into Trendy Home Decor
Dishfunctional Designs: How To Upcycle Thrift Shop Finds Into Trendy Home Decor
Deconstructed Lighting Fixtures for an Edgy Industrial Vibe
Bedroom lights....Deconstructed Lighting Fixtures for an Edgy Industrial Vibe 2