
179 Pins
How to Grow Lettuce in Pots in City Homes
Growing lettuce in containers is fun and easy and you can harvest fresh, crispy, and organic lettuce leaves for your salads in no time.
Glorious nasturtiums
NASTURTIUMS:Hummingbirds & Monarch Butterflies Excellent planted with looseleaf lettuce which attract Goldfinch for seeds if left to go to seed. Great planted with herbs. Performs best when left alone, never over water and never fertilize. Leaves and flowers are edible, have a peppery flavor. love nasturtiums and love how they look in planting boxes on this deck. Can also be planted along the edge of a sunny walkway.
Galvanized WashTubs In My Cottage Garden
Wash tub with wooden legs for better drainage. Too cute and great idea for the porch!!
42 Best DIY Greenhouses ( Great Tutorials & Plans! ) - A Piece of Rainbow
21 DIY Greenhouses with Great Tutorials: Ultimate collection of THE BEST tutorials on how to build amazing DIY greenhouses, hoop tunnels and cold frames! Lots of inspirations to get you started! - A Piece of Rainbow
DIY PALLET SWING Make this upcycled pallet swing for your backyard this summer. Full instructions and video tutorial.
20+ Creative Bird Feeders to brighten up your environment 17 - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
Home and Gardening News and Trends | Gardeningworld.org
Plant Equisetum in pots this summer. Planted in containers keeps them from getting out of hand since they grow so fast. The containers are a great idea for making a privacy screen area.
10 Ways To Use Banana Peels In Your Garden As Fertilizer
Use banana peels in your garden instead of throwing them away! Here's 10 ways to use banana peels in your garden. Easy projects you can do today! From FrugalChicken
- Organized Chaos Online -
Stuff to plant that mosquitos HATE. Lets plant a few pots of these guys around the front and back porches!
9 Fastest Growing Trees
9 Fastest growing trees: 1 Empress Tree. It grows 10-15 feet per year. 2 Willow Tree: 6-12 fpy. 3 Lombardy Poplar. Grows 8-10 fpy. 4 Eucalyptus tree grows 6-8 fpy 5 American Sycamore grows 6 fpy. 6 Quaking Aspen grow about 5 fpy. 7 Muskogee Crape Myrtle grows 4-5 fpy. 8. October Maple grows 3-5 feet per year. 9. Autumn Purple Ash grows 3-5 feet p y.