Butch Whacks & the Glass Packs

A San Francisco Music & Comedy group that started as a one-night only event at St. Mary's College in the San Francisco Bay Area and turned into a 42 year happening. Lot's of fun, lot of memories, lots of drama -- all of life's basic food groups.
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Early Butch -- Jerry Murphy doing Sleepwalk on guitar
Playing with Chuck Berry -- (l-r) Chuck, Mike Moore (drums), Peter Gordon (sax), Bruce Lopez (bass), Robbie Birsinger (guitar). (Larry and his piano are hidden off to the left... probably by Chuck's choice.)
Access Denied | Al Golub Photography Archive
Jerry Murphy of Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs, Modesto,Ca,March 8th, 1974 At The California Ballroom Rockn' Chair Productions..Photo by A...
Access Denied | Al Golub Photography Archive
Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs, Modesto,Ca,March 8th, 1974 At The California Ballroom Rockn' Chair Productions..Photo by Al Golub/Golub Ph...
Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs | Al Golub Photography Archive
Larry Strawther of Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs, Modesto,Ca,March 8th, 1974 At The California Ballroom Rockn' Chair Productions..Photo ...
“Bandstand Performers” 1963
Dick Clark on the "American Bandstand" TV show - a list of notable guest artists that performed on the show