Bee Keeping

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How to Store Honey In The Best Way- Carolina Honeybees
Learn how to store raw honey. Proper honey storage promotes a premium product and taste experience. Do not put honey in the refrigerator. via @
The Little Hermitage - alexamayiborrowapencil: beesweethoneyfarms: At...
At Bee Sweet Honey Farms LLC., we use poultry to maintain a clean beeyard. Chickens help protect our colonies from mites and other predatory insects; as opposed to using chemicals and pesticides.
Essential Oil Recipe for Honeybees
Essential Oil Recipe for Honeybees - Remember, you MUST use >food grade< essential oil for your bees, do not buy/use oil meant for aromatherapy.
Mind Your Beeswax Keeping Backyard Bees
What to do with Beeswax
DIY: Winter Beehive Quilting Box
DIY Winter Beehive Quilting Box - to help prevent moisture in the hive
Build Your Own Beehive Keeping Backyard Bees
Build Your Own Bee Hive--All material is 3⁄4” pine. Glue all joints and nail as shown in perspective. Pre-drill all nail holes to prevent splitting.
Beekeepers Guild of Southeast Virginia
Bee Feeding Recipes: When feeding bees, it is the sugar, not the water that the bees need. By mixing the sugar to water at different ratios, the beekeeper can encourage certain behaviors. Below are sugar syrup recipes from Keith Tignor, State Apiarist, and the actions they stimulate within the hive. Also included are candy recipes and instructions for dry sugar feeding used as emergency winter food when temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Private Site
Langstroth Hive | Langstroth Beehive, Analogy of Multiplicity
An Introduction to the Top Bar Hive - The Ploughshare Institute
An Introduction to the Top Bar Hive Top Bar hive vs. Langstroth comparisons
Polish beehive - Katarzyna Koprowska
The Wielkopolska hive project, with externally-attached insulating mats made of straw. Dzierżoń, the second of the proposed roofs, is a gabled roof covered with a wooden stave. The use of external mats allows you to adjust the temperature in the hive with…