Words of Wisdom

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Mind Movies
"The Universe loves gratitude, so for this month make a commitment to give thanks each day. Every day look for things to grateful for. Make “thank you” your catchphrase. As you walk from one place to another, say “thank you”, and make your last thought at night be one of giving thanks for the day. Be grateful under all circumstances, no matter what... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
7 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through The Week – Part 7
Her soul was too deep to explore by those who always swam in the shallow end. ~ www.JayDeeMahs.com #quotes #inspirationalquotes #wordsofwisdom
Thursday's Thought of the Day ~ the most important decision
Raige Creations: Thursday's Thought of the Day ~ the most important decision
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“@JustRach16: @IlluminatedMoxy ~ I've always loved this and thought I'd share... ” Inspiration!