2/2 Candlemas/Imbolc/Feast of Lights

February 2nd
60 Pins
Making Candles for Candlemas ⋆ Art of Homeschooling
Learn to make 4 different types of candles to celebrate Candlemas, the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Great projects to do with children.
De narcissen bloeien
forcing bulbs in glass containers is great--you sometimes get a glimpse of the roots! (made sure there's drainage in some way unless they're already almost blooming. You can make drainage by putting gravel at the bottom and covering with a few layers of newspaper, then dirt on top, to form a catch-space for water.
Colcannon Recipe : My Secret Northern Ireland
in Irish history, Imbolc was the first day of Spring. Traditionally, at Imbolc, presents of freshly churned butter and buttermilk were given to the poor. A festive meal was eaten containing oat gruel, dumplings, apple cake, and colcannon.
How to Grow and Care for Snowdrop Flower
Snowdrops perfect for Imbolc. In the language of flowers they symbolize hope in adversity.
Celebrating Imbolc: Imbolc Food, Imbolc Traditions, and Imbolc Crafts I will be making sun king soup outside
needle felted catkin tutorial
How cool is this! Needle felted pussywillows :) madebyjoey: needle felted catkin tutorial
Морозные светильники. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
frosted lamps made by wet felting wool, and silk with lace and doilies. (tutorial in russian ,but, the series of photos are self explanatory)