Polymer Clay

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A little tip for you! To keep the cane in a square or rectangular form, put it in the freezer for 15-20 min or so! This way, when you align the pieces together to put through the pasta machine, they fit perfectly and you don’t have any gaps you’re having to fill in (like you would have to with rounded corners from smushing the cane). This tip also comes in handy if you’ve over conditioned the clay, or your hands are hot and making your clay sticky/hard to work with!
This may contain: the cutest magnetic clay charm is being held by someone's hand with their fingers
The cutest magnetic clay charm ✨✨✨✨
It’s magnetic✨😍✨ credits to: @beadshoppingforyou
This may contain: a small white cat figurine with a ring on it's back legs
How to make min ring holder From air dry clay,gift ,air dry clay ,clay ,diy ,DIY,gift ideas,tutorial
This may contain: a white cat bowl with black eyes and ears on it's head sitting on a white sheet
Gatito kawai 🤍ig:moony.clay