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Baby Boston terrier @Sherrie Bowe-Hernandez Bowe-Hernandez Bowe-Hernandez Bowe-Hernandez Bowe-Hernandez Bowe-Hernandez Vivian Seriously this face
Could I be any cuter!? At Orchard Lake Pet Resort we strive to provide the best overnight care and grooming services for our canine clients! Call (248) 372-7000 or visit our website www.orchardlakepe... for more information about the services we provide!
38 Unexpectedly Brilliant Tips For Dog Owners
For a dog who loves to tear apart stuffed animals, make a durable activity ball with a Hol-ee rubber ball, scraps of fabric, and treats.
Hercules is an English Mastiff and who has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.