
473 Pins
65 Wonderfully cozy reading nooks for book lovers
65 Wonderfully cozy reading nooks for book lovers
- Lo sabía. Bueno, me tenías algo nervioso, pero en cuanto vi este sitio pensé en ti. Te imagine ahí... - señala el banco adosado al ventanal - leyendo un libro. Fue entonces cuando supe que quería que vivieras aquí conmigo
Intelligent living: A cottage in Denmark
While looking for a new holiday home, the Kastrup family fell in love with this little black coastal cottage with only 42 sq m. Somehow they managed to fit their 3 kids and a dog into this small house. | Tiny Homes
Small home office with gray and white striped wall, wood and white desk, tile floor and patterned chair | Shift Interiors
20 Tree House Design Ideas to Fill Backyards with Fun
The world's 15 most Stunning Tree Houses.
DIY Recycled Tire Swing :: How to make a tire swing for the backyard! Love.
How to make a Skateboard Swing
Awesome DIY Swing Ideas - The Owner-Builder Network
One old skateboard, some rope and a broom stick (and a tree) and the kids can have a great swing. Are we ever too old to have a swing?
Tree House Ideas You Will Absolutely Love
Farmhouse tree house kids will love. 5 tree house ideas, tree house diy projects.
45 Enchanting Playhouses
Kids would love this ~ sandbox, slide, clubhouse all in one; would probably make the slide come off a platform so we could screen in the doors & windows.
Kookaburra Loft | Kitwood Group Pty Ltd
Kookaburra Loft cubby house, australian-made, wooden cubby house, diy cubby house kits, cubby houses