En La Escena / On The Scene

En La Escena/On the Scene covers everything Latino, in North America, South and Central America and the Caribbean, in Music, Fashion, Sports, Film and Technology.
96 Pins
Jazzmobile Residency live at Mintons Marc Cray
Soy Rio de Janiero - En La Escena / On the Scene
Soy Rio de Janiero - En La Escena / On the Scene
Rita Moreno accepting her award as 2019 Bronx Children's Museum Honoree.
Rita Moreno accepting her award as 2019 Bronx Children's Museum Honoree.
NYC, now has Sesame Street
NYC now has, Sesame Street
Adrian Alicea NYFW 2016 - En La Escena / On the Scene
Adrian Alicea NYFW 2016 - En La Escena / On the Scene
Chuck Schumer Fetanyl Press Conference - En La Escena
Chuck Schumer Fetanyl Press Conference - En La Escena
Flamenco Jazz with at Cornelia Street Cafe
Flamenco Jazz with at Cornelia Street Cafe
The New York Times Travel Show 2019
The New York Times Travel Show 2019
Baseball Hall of Fame 2019 OTS Sports
Baseball Hall of Fame 2019 OTS Sports
AJ El Kallejero in ELE Flashback
AJ El Kallejero in ELE Flashback
Lala Anthony Collection at Ashley Stewart in Harlem, NY
Lala Anthony Collection at Ashley Stewart in Harlem, NY