Shed Orginization

43 Pins
DIY Barn Yard Doors
I created the barn doors as wall plaques.These are really easy and only takes a few hours to create. Click link for how to video.
Budget Barn built from carport
This is our new barn that started as a 12x24 carport. Most all of the lumber is from reclaimed pallets and boxes. The 12 x 24 lean to was also framed with mostly remained lumber.
Small shed made of pallets for my riding lawn mower. It turned out great!
Camp Alcove 10x14 Fully Assembled
10x14 Lean To - Featuring a spacious deck and generous overhang for plenty of shelter for several people. #shedplans
Log cabin - Wooden Garden Structure | Sheds to Last
Corner Cabin - Wooden Garden Structure | Sheds to Last
6 Ways to Add a Lean To Onto a Shed - wikiHow
Image titled Add a Lean To Onto a Shed Step 10
Garden Pallet Shed: Unique Shed Roofed Using Tin Cans • 1001 Pallets
Garden Pallet Shed: Unique Shed Roofed Using Tin Cans Pallet Sheds, Pallet Cabins, Pallet Huts & Pallet Playhouses
6 Ways to Add a Lean To Onto a Shed
2 Cut back the roofing on the existing building if needed so that the new roof can fit correct
Shed Made From Reclaimed Pallets • Recyclart
Many pictures from different constructions made from wooden pallets! From the dog house to several fences, here is a shed built by Tony Utterback from Arab