Chester County String Studio

Bow Hold Hack
Bow Hold Hack #music education #bow hold #orchestra #violin #viola #cello #bass #strings
Pinkinest (R)
The World-Famous Pinkinest (R) is a durable, simple-to-use bow aid which is helpful in teaching beginners how to obtain a better bow hold. It is easy to attach and requested by parents and teachers world-wide.
Bowhold Training Aids | Discussion | Suzuki Association of the Americas - cut plastic pencil grips
Tip for teaching how to hold a bow
Tips for teaching bow to hold the bow in orchestra - violin, viola, cello, bass.
First couple of weeks - new discoveries
This is my 12th year teaching orchestra, and I'm still learning and discovering more efficient ways to teach students and take care of ...
How to Overcome Bow-Hand and Bow-Arm Tension on Strings | Strings Magazine
Before you can produce the smooth sound on violin, viola, cello, or bass, that attracted you to strings in the first place, you have to overcome that tension in the bow hand. By James Reel The firs…
My favorite and most fun bow game/exercise - Pennies!
Orchestra Classroom Ideas: My favorite and most fun bow game/exercise - Pennies!
For Better Tone: Hang Like a Monkey
Pin. Better Tone with Help from a Monkey!
How to Overcome Bow-Hand and Bow-Arm Tension on Strings | Strings Magazine