Hard as Nails

Diana Armstrong of Minneapolis has World’s Longest Fingernails!
Photo: Guinness World Records A Minneapolis woman has gotten her hands on a world record. KSTP: According to Guinness World Records, Diana Armstrong has received the titles for “longest fingernails on a pair of hands (female)” and “longest fingernails on a pair of hands ever (female)”. #DianaArmstrongofMinneapolishasWorld’sLongestFingernails #doitinnorth #GuinnessWorldRecords #KSTP
Nail Art Ideas Almond Brown Patterns & Prints Cartoon Long Glossy Press On Nails JP2753
Press on nails is a flawless manicure product with convenience and ultra comfort. They allow you to easily and quickly create intricate and stunning nail designs. All without having to spend hours and a ton of money at a nail salon. DESCRIPTION Nail Package content:24 nails in 9 different sizes from size 0-9, one sheet of adhesive, a nail file, and a Wood Stick.No matter what your nail size is, you can choose the most suitable nail for yourself, stick nails are easy to trim and file them to i
Birthday Suit - Press On Nail Set
Shown in long square Nail glue included Prep kit sold separately Sizing kit is available for purchase Please see estimated delivery date below