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Joan Rivers Net Worth At The Time Of Her Death - Money Fame Insights
Yoshimickster Ya know what's kinda cool about Dr. Doofenschmirtz? NONE of his tragic backstories had ANYTHING to do with his ex-wife Charlene. Because let's get real here, Heinz had it out for a LOT of people who screwed him over, from Hot Dog salesmen, to baking soda volcanoes, yet in NO episode in the series did he ever say ANYTHING negative or acrimonious about his ex-wife. Never tried to screw her over, never battled her for more custody of Vanessa, he respected her dearly and never saw her as an antagonist, just someone he grew apart from emotionally. GRANTED he still bled her dry with alimony checks, but hey she's loaded and she didn't seem to mind. - iFunny