113 Pins
What Happens If You Don't Shower For Two Days? Here's What Science Has To Say
What Happens If Don't Shower for two days, according to science .ambassador
Fitbit Hacks - Tips, Tricks and Cool Ways to Use a FItbit
15+ Awesome FitBit Hacks - DIY Tips, Tricks and Cool Ways to Use Your Fitness Tracker
Coconut oil pulling. Take about a tablespoon coconut swish in your mouth be for breakfast for 20min. (DO NOT SWALLOW) After 20min spit it out in garbage can. Rinse your mouth with cup of warm salt water. Benefits, teeth whitening, reduces cavity pain, helps with dry mouth, helps Gums stop bleeding ect. R.H.
KeySmart™ Extended - Custom Engrave Page
KeySmart's premium pocket key organizers are compact yet functional holding up to 100 keys! Find the full selection of pocket key organizers & key holders here.
How to Organize Your Life in 2020 (16 Free Printables)
16 Free Printables to Organize Your Life - Spaceships and Laser Beams