Distri utive Prop

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Math Coach's Corner
Math Coachs Corner: Demystifying the Distributive Property. Okay, raise your hand if you're an elementary teacher and just the mention of the distributive property makes you break out in a cold sweat. Go ahead...no one can see you. As with any other math concept, it's important to take this skill through the concrete (manipulatives) and representational (drawing) stages before the abstract (purely symbolic) stage.
True Facts About The History Of Homework
Angry Birds is the perfect illustration for the Distributive Property!
Incorporating Art in Math - Angry Birds Style! - Mrs. Joy Hall
Detailed instructions on how to teach the Distributive Property of Multiplication using the popular Angry Birds game. Incorporate art into math class! Joy of Teaching - www.mrsjoyhall.com
Distributive Property
Teaching the distributive property using combo meals. : )