weaving, spinning

For a picker, here's a nice DIY that looks easy to build. I even have a wooden box I could use...I'll have to consider this one. I've been using a regular wide tooth comb for the Navajo fleece but it's really hard on my hands. I think, for me, a picker might be the way to go.
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Blending board for making small batts or rolags. Lots less expensive than a drum carder. Good for getting started.
Spin Like a Viking
Spin like a Viking!!! Includes use of the Oseberg spindle and Hand Distaff.
A super-clear tutorial on spinning yarn. I took a spinning class from Maggie Casey when we lived in Boulder, about 17 years ago. She's a great teacher and a skilled spinner, her enthusiasm for it infectious.
Making your own Combed Top with a hackle and diz
Making your own roving with a hackle and diz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHkcTygAZ6I www.woolwench.com
Drop Spindle Basics
Abby Franquemont's YouTube channel is a great resource for those just starting to learn to spin. I'd also strongly recommend picking up her book, Respect the Spindle.
How To Use A Spinning Wheel To Spin Wool Into Yarn - YouTube
Fleece to Yarn on the Farm – Mother Earth News
Items as wool arrives to us nicely spinned, and ready for purchase. This article on how to clean, prepare and spin raw wool into yarn.
heyjenrenee.com -&nbspheyjenrenee Resources and Information.
kool dye your yarn - hehe...my nieces did this basically on my nice white bed linens when visiting one year so I KNOW the colors stays in....
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Learn how to spin cotton with traditional methods in Norman Kennedy's workshop DVD Spin Flax and Cotton.
how to use niddy noddy
how to use a niddy noddy waldorfmoms - well you just have to love something called a niddy noddy!
Learn to spin your own yarn, dye fiber, the history of fiber art and how you can become an artisan: Spin-Ology Trailer! A monthly fiber art program for all ages :)