Backyard Chickens

Everything you need to maintain a backyard chicken flock. Tips and tricks of the trade. Chicken coops, ways to save money, chicken health and cool project ideas. Raising urban backyard chickens can be an amazingly fun hobby! Check out these tips on costs, heath and how to's. Also, some really cool pinterest infographics.
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The Easter Horde.
Teeny tiny little baby chicks hatching just in time for Easter! I needed to add some layers to my backyard flock of urban chickens here on the little urban farm/homestead. Nothing says Easter like baby chicks!
Fancy New Chicken Run: Phase Beta
When designing your urban chicken coop and run, there are a few things to consider. The landscape and drainage are important, but knowing what kind of predators you have in your area is even more so. Let’s discuss some of the needs for backyard chickens before you begin building or buying supplies. Soon your homestead will be producing delicious and nutritious organic eggs from very happy hens!
Most Metal Chicken Ever. Ayam Cerami : A rare breed of chicken that is black inside out; organs, feathers, eggs ALL BLACK. - WTF
Most Metal Chicken Ever. Ayam Cerami : A rare breed of chicken that is black inside out; organs, feathers, eggs ALL BLACK.
One moment, please...
The Case of the Egg-Sucking Possums
The Case of the Egg-Sucking Possums | Mind Your Dirt
Spa Day for Piper
Spa Day for Piper | Mind Your Dirt Sometimes chickens jut need baths. Silkie hens especially. It's not easy keeping your backyard chickens looking their best.
Scenes from a Winter Garden
Scenes from a Winter Garden | Mind Your Dirt Scenes from a Winter Garden | Mind Your Dirt Some new hens in the backyard flock. Meet Violet the English Game Hen and pirate the one-eyed chicken. This years winter cover crop is doing so well. plus I now have a one-eyed backyard chicken in my flock. Also, uses for a chopped up pepper tree.
What to feed your chickens for better tasting eggs
Want better tasting chicken eggs? Here's what to feed your chickens so they'll…
Hired Goons: Protecting My Backyard Chickens from Hawks in the Most Organic Way Ever. An Army of Crows.
Hired Goons: Protecting My Backyard Chickens from Hawks in the Most Organic Way Ever. An Army of Crows. – Mind Your Dirt
Scenes from a Winter Garden
Scenes from a Winter Garden | Mind Your Dirt Meet Pirate the one-eyed backyard chicken. This little homestead / urban garden is getting pretty full for this city boy farmer!
Fancy New Chicken Run: Phase Alpha
I'm building a super fancy chicken run for my backyard chickens. This urban farmer and homesteader has just taken it up a notch!
Welcome to the World Knuckles! See her hatch below…
Welcome to the World Knuckles! See her hatch below… | Mind Your Dirt Check out Knuckles the English Game Hen hatch from her egg. A tiny little chick baby fluffball!!