Discovery Family Adventures

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DAILY: Eat Meals Together!
Here is an 'Adventure' you should enjoy multiple times a week-- and DAILY if possible!! This is one of two CORE Adventures that you are probably doing already, and if you aren't, it's easy to start. This one act alone will do more to strengthen your family and help you raise confident, resilient kids than anything else you can do. Have fun with it!
DAILY: 8 for 8 HUGS!!
Did you know that a hug can literally change the chemistry in your body!?! It's true! Research shows that there is great power in a hug. Check out this Adventure to learn more details, and find out how many hugs you should have daily (minimum!), and how long those hugs should last.
Space Exporation!
The 'Space Exploration Adventure with NASA' provides many, MANY amazing space activities you can enjoy together.
Just For Parents
This Adventure is just for parents. It is designed to help you understand how the intentional design and content of the Discovery Family Program is to help you provide the protective factors your children need to avoid risky behaviors that can impair their growth and progress. Of course the Discovery Family program adventures are designed to be FUN and ENGAGING. However, there's a lot more to them than that. The real value of the Discovery Family program goes far beyond fun. Check it out!
START HERE: Step #1: Learn How It Works!
The Discovery Family Program is all about spending quality and quantity time together as a family! Live. Laugh. LOVE. That’s what family is all about, and our goal is to make it easier than ever! Every week we will release new ‘Adventures’ you can enjoy together as a family, so check back often. BONUS: you can win prizes and savings for having fun!! BIG prizes like family vacations and Jazz tickets, and not so big prizes like games, passes, and all kinds of family fun! Check it out!
Step #2: Set-up Your Adventure Photo Journal
Now that you are familiar with how the Discovery Family program can help your family, time to get your Adventure Photo Journal set-up! This Adventure will walk you through everything you need, and in a matter of minutes you'll be ready to go!
Step #3: Setting Goals
A key part of the Discovery Family program is sitting down together, looking at where you are and where you want to be, and setting goals in 4 key areas-family, friends, fitness and learning. You now have the 3 Adventures that will help you get set-up and ready to fully benefit from the program. It’s all fun, growth, learning and progress from here!! Pick and choose the Adventures that fit your family style— adjust them as needed to fit your family style, and Enjoy the Journey~
Use Tech 4 Good
The Use Tech 4 Good movement is all about changing conversations and culture around kids and technology. We want to replace the fear with positive, deliberate, constructive ways youth and adults can work together with technology. For this Adventure, work together as a family to identify ways you see technology being used for good around you, and choose something you can do together as a family to #UseTech4Good. Check the Adventure page on the website for some ideas to get you going.
Chit Chat
Play the Chit Chat game! You can (and should!) enjoy it over and over. The goal is to get kids & parents 'chatting'--from funny & entertaining questions to insightful & educational, asking questions can bring families together and provide opportunities to CREATE and CAPTURE Memories! When is a good time to chit chat? Dinnertime! In the car! While cleaning or organizing! While gardening or doing yard work! Sunday afternoons! ANY TIME! Check the website for a few questions to get started~
This Adventure is all about using Technology to serve. Check out lots of ideas and examples, and brainstorm some ways that you and your family can use your technology to serve!
Poetry Appreciation
This Adventure is a TON of FUN for you, especially during this 2nd week of school closures. You and your kids will have fun learning about these poetry forms, and then learning about each other as your write your own poetry. Trust me- this is not only doable, this is FUN!
Family Reading
We have a new Discovery Family Adventure up featuring KUED Kid's 27th Annual Reading Marathon. This Adventure lets kids pre-school through 6th grade earn FREE passes to 15 of Utah's most popular family experience venues!! That's right -- 15!! Check it out!
We may not solve world hunger immediately, but by serving with our families in our local communities, we pave the way for much broader changes. Individual efforts don't need to be huge—a little bit of change here, a few hours there—but even small efforts quickly add up to make a real difference. As you work side-by-side and learn from each other, mutual understanding increases, misconceptions can be corrected, and new friendships are built.
Gratitude Attitude
★¨`*•♫.• When you have a Gratitude Attitude . . . ♫ ..•* ★ Who else remembers that song? Here is the perfect Adventure to kick off November, but it's a GREAT Adventure for any time of the year. After all, Gratitude NEVER goes out of style, and ALWAYS has a positive impact!