High altitude

30 Pins
High Altitude Yellow Cake w Lemon Buttercream
The Bake-Off Flunkie: High Altitude Yellow Cake w Lemon Buttercream
Altitude Adjustments for Home Canning: Explained by SimplyCanning!
If you live above 1000 feet elevation you need to figure your altitude adjustments for both water bath and pressure canning. SimplyCanning.c...
High Altitude Hard Boiled Eggs
Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs for High Altitude | mountainmamacooks.com #highaltitude #hardboiledeggs #easter
High Altitude Homemade Karo Pecan Pie 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup Karo corn syrup 2/3 brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 3 eggs 1-1&1/2 cups pecans Pie crust Melt butter Karo syrup and brown sugar in pot on medium. Add vanilla and beaten eggs and remove from heat. Add pecans to mixture and pour into pie crust. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 minutes. When the center springs back to the touch it's ready!
Cooking Rice at High Altitudes?
This is a guide about cooking rice at high altitudes. Cooking at high altitudes can be tricky. Because the air is dryer and the pressure lower, water boils at a lower temperature and moisture evaporates into the air more quickly. This makes cooking even basic items such as rice a challenge.
French Macarons
Chocolate Macarons at High Altitude
Red Velvet Cake for High Altitude
High altitude red velvet cake recipe - works as is at 8700 ft! Vinegar should be reduced, a little overwhelming.
Starbucks Lemon Loaf
Si te gusta Starbucks limón Pan, entonces te encantará este húmedo, delicioso pastel de limón! Este fácil de hacer la receta, se carga con un delicioso sabor a limón, y cubierto con un glaseado de limón increíble.