
19 Pins
Elaine Longtemps – Musicgraphcs for Song of the Gopis, graphic score, date unknown
Experimental music notation resources
Experimental music notation resources - Review - lines
Creating Civilizations, by Robert Strati
Creating Civilizations, by Robert Strati : socks-studio
Creating Civilizations, by Robert Strati
The fascinating work of Robert Strati: a combination of engineering schematics and abstract art, in diagrammatic representations of topics like astrophysics, musical notations, architectural schematics and mappings. “I was in Ohio listening to an experimental band called Queen Mae and the Bells...
points and squares through a coffee machine
Will Redman“Book”(one sample of 99 different scores from Book)
graphic notation – graphicnotation
get an article The Notation and Performance of New Music by Earl Brown from 1964
Roland Kayn and the Development of Cybernetic Music
Roland Kayn