For Volunteers

Celebrating Juliette Low’s Birthday
Celebrating Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday in October was a great way for our Brownie troop to earn their Girl Scout Way badge and help Daisies meet their bridging requirements.
For Volunteers
Here are a few tips on how to help your introverted Girl Scouts participate during troop activities!
Scout Keepsake Pillow
Great way to enjoy your Girl Scout memories! Girl Scout Memory Pillow designed from the Daisy bib, Brownie vest, and Junior sash. The other side of the pillow includes the backs!
Girl Scout troop leader gifts done with the Silhouette Cameo.
i made these 'patch bouquets' for our court of awards a few years ago. they turned out so cute!
Here's a cool way to give your Girl Scouts the patches they earned. Decorate plastic cups with their names and attach the patches and pins to colorful straws
Girl Scout Attendance and Badge Chart
Girl Scout Attendance and Badge Chart....Good idea to keep track of who ordered, how many, and what kind for cookie sales!!!
Pass out "Summer Fun" Folders with individual badges girls can do over the summer (or vacations). Extra fun, not required.
Activities for Daisy Girl Scout, Brownies, Juniors and More
Here are 10 easy to use and implement ideas for your final meeting of the year.
Key to Brownies: Getting to know you with a beaded bracelet
Each girl gets a pipe cleaner with one color of beads. Then they all have to introduce themselves to everyone to get the other colors. Twists into bracelet.
Event Organization ~ Girl Scout Activities
Event organization ideas and tips for easy set up of a large group event #girlscouts #event #organization
The In’s-and-Out’s of Investitures
The In's and Out's of Investitures - Learn what it is and how to hold one for your troop
A local Girl Scout Brownie's adventure learning about flying up from Brownies to Juniors.
Juliette Gordon Low Action Game
Juliette Gordon Low Action Game...could be fun for an investiture, Founder's Day Celebration, or bridging ceremony!