Teaching for awesome learning

56 Pins
Guided Reading: A little novelty goes a LONG way!
Guided Reading story sticks - students pulls a stick and answers the question from the read aloud. Note from Nicole: remember that you can always change the prompts to better suit the goals, the proficiency of students, build in more critical thinking, etc.
4 Things You Don't Know About the Jigsaw Method | Cult of Pedagogy
The Jigsaw Method, a powerful cooperative learning strategy that increases student engagement and social-emotional learning, is a strategy you might need to brush up on.
Strategies for Student-Centered Discussion
Strategies for Student Centered Discussion - High School English Lesson
Teachers' Instructional Strategies Infographic - e-Learning Infographics
Verso - app to flip instruction by using authentic student voice as a driver for deeper, personalized learning design
Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Styles Infographic - e-Learning Infographics
The best way(s) to retain memories. - "I see and I forget. I hear and I remember. I do and I understand."
Kindergarten Smiles
Hide questions under their seat and announce 'hot seat' sometime during the day. Whoever has a question under their seat has to answer it. Perfect way to review/have fun! This is an idea from kindergarten that could be used in ANY grade!!
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine - December 2012 - page35
Great comprehension strategies for students who read fluently but don't have good comprehension