Makeup & Nails

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Looking to update your #makeup kit? Or are you new to makeup and aren't sure what to buy? This list has you covered! #beauty #makeuptips
black nails with gold sparkles are perfect for NYE parties, they look bold, shiny and cool - Styleoholic
Black and gold glitter nail art. Nails Nails Nails! The best accessory is a fresh manicure. Visit for more
MAC Lipstick - Diva Great fall lip color ** how come when I wear my diva my lips don't look like this!!! ???
Bring the drama with a deep lip color. Can anyone tell me what color this is? And don't say 'Siren', cuz it's not.
It’s Your First Time: A Beginner’s Guide to Wearing Lip Color
Lipstick for your skin tone! I love this, actually read it, and it's great info for new lipstick wearers!
ELF Cosmetics Studio Matte Lip Colors Swatches--- I love the natural shade. This is probably my favorite lip stick for a matte finish
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Best lip colors for your skin tone..... I think I am olive skin---- berry and rose lipsticks look good on me
How to get Angelina Jolie's sexy plump lips
Want plumped up lips? Use a nude lip liner and outline your lips a little past your natural lip line. Blend out the harsh edges after tracing. Try rounding off your cupid`s bow to make your lips appear plumper. | The official home for all things Disney
MAC Rebel and Wet 'n Wild MegaLast Lip Color in Sugar Plum Fairy 908C
Grey smokey-eye with nude/pale pink lips perfect wedding makeup except a little brighter lip color would be nice
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Loving the deep colors used for the eyes and lips! And those brows! Beautiful fall look! #fallfashion