David B T

My approach is varied in sculpture, mainly bricolage and objet trouvé expressions; in kiln glass work I tend to experiment with burn outs, pâte de verre, slumping, open and lost wax casting and core casting. My approach is generally very playful and experimental mixture with narrative, landscape inner and outer, figurative, surrealistic and humour as my main themes; which run through most of my art works.... http://bit.ly/KAy3cC
13 Pins
"Dog 1" Brazed metal, elastic bands, rubber
"When I grow up, I want to be a skyscraper" Metal, rubber, ceramic, stone, pebbles, jesmonite
"Anorexic Pegasus" Rusty metal, leather, cardboard
objet trouvé sculpture
"RUN AWAY WEDDING CAKE" Glass sculpture
Untitled - pastels on paper
Olympic Swimmer - open casting glass