
This board focuses on the development of concepts, communication, and literacy skills in children with a combined vision and hearing loss.
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Resource Archives – Paths to Literacy
Literacy extension activities for the Virtual KY Deafblind Derby Dash include an experience book and experience bag. Watch the video on how to make these!
Resource Archives – Paths to Literacy
Celebrating Deafblind Awareness Week the last week in June, in honor of Helen Keller's birthday on June 27th.
Entering into the World of Tactile Interaction with the Child Who Is Deafblind: Introducing the new Deafblind Interaction website – Paths to Literacy
Introducing the new Deafblind Interaction website
Deafblind Communicator: Using a Braillenote Touch Plus to Connect with Others – Paths to Literacy
Deafblind Communicator: Using a Braillenote Touch Plus with a Refreshable Braille Display
Family Engagement During Remote Instruction of Students with Deafblindness and Multiple Disabilities – Paths to Literacy
Family engagement during remote instruction of students with deafblindness or multiple disabilities
Charlotte's Web Extension Activity
This lesson was created with a deafblind student in mind as an extension activity while reading Charlotte's Web.
NIDCD shares 8 Tips for Improving Communication When Wearing a Face Covering. This is especially helpful for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind.
Optimizing Online Learning for Students with Deafblindness or Multiple Disabilities – Paths to Literacy
Tips to optimize online learning for students with deafblindness or multiple disabilities
Charlotte's Web Extension Activity
This lesson was created with a deafblind student in mind as an extension activity while reading Charlotte's Web.
The Daily Workload for the Academic Student Who is Deafblind @PathsToLiteracy
Students who are deafblind are tasked with every hour of their school day the process of gathering information through multiple modes and weaving the information together, or deciding that one (possibly unreliable) mode may be best for a given situation.
Robbie Blaha Discusses Calendar Systems for Children with CHARGE Syndrome – Paths to Literacy
Co-Creation of a Language That Does Not Yet Exist or, “Hush Up and Listen” – Paths to Literacy
Thoughts on communication with individuals who are congenitally deafblind: Co-Creation of a Language That Does Not Yet Exist, or "Hush Up and Listen"
Communication and Congenital Deafblindness
Communication and congenital deafblindness