Connecting To Who Our Children REALLY Are By Christina Fletcher-We are happy to share with you a beautiful guest article by Christina Fletcher. Christina truly writes from a conscious parenting perspective. Enjoy!  We are all spiritual beings. Activities For Kids, Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Healing Practices, Conscious Parenting, Kid Activities, Spiritual Healing, Mother Earth, Consciousness

Connecting To Who Our Children REALLY Are By Christina Fletcher

We are happy to share with you a beautiful guest article by Christina Fletcher. Christina truly writes from a conscious parenting perspective. Enjoy! We are all spiritual beings. These bodies we carry around with us only represent us to the physical world. When we connect to Who We Really Are then we connect to each other too, as truly we are all one, part of the same whole. It goes for our children as well. So often society likes to put kids over in a corner labelled as “children” and we…


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