a printable word scramble is shown in green and white striped paper with the words word scramble written on it

Baby Word Scramble - Green Striped Printable Game Cards

Product Details
Pressure-free baby shower game Traditional baby shower planning expects the mom-to-be to love being in the spotlight all day. That puts so much pressure on her! So what do you do to relieve that pressure on your best friend at her baby shower? We've got your back! With Littlehammer Games, you can make her happy and totally comfortable while still pulling off an epic baby shower. Our Baby Word Scramble printable game cards are a fun game that everyone can play without being thrust into the spotlight like other games. Guests will love racing to unscramble these baby-themed words and phrases. Best of all, with everyone focused on finishing their card first, the mom-to-be will get a break from being the center of attention. Here's what's included: Print-at-home PDF game cards Instant delivery and simple printing.  Print as many game cards as you need! Two 5x7 inch game cards fit on a single 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper Game cards and cards with the answers The race is on to unscramble all the words and phrases first! These instantly-printable game cards are perfect for a baby shower that is coming up quickly because there's no need to wait by the mailbox. Save your shy best friend from another round of baby bottle chugging and the inhumanity of that tired "sniff the diaper" game. Littlehammer Games for the win!