Outdoor Oddities

Nature and the people and things in it can be quite strange sometimes.
126 Pins
Visit Wyoming and Enjoy Your Wyoming Vacation
Devil's Tower, Wyoming. There are many Native American legends that associate a giant bear with this formation. If you watch Spielberg's Close Encounters, in which Devil's Tower plays a prominent role, you might notice that the alien ships, when they first appear over the formation, briefly form the constellation the Ursa Major, the Great Bear. Coincidence? Maybe.
Devil's Garden - Arches National Park in Utah [1600x1600]
Devil's Garden - Arches National Park in Utah
Giant Swirl Phenomenon
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon; photo by Pierre Leclerc
Pocket Ranger
Wildlife flourishes 30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: http://bit.ly/1rnrJN6 #pocketranger #chernobyl #wildlife #nuclearpowerplant #nucleardisaster #chernobyldisaster
Hidden Gems of Virginia State Parks
This is our state fossil, Chesapecten jeffersonius and this one was found at York River State Park in Virginia after a hurricane
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Bouddi National Park, Australia
Bouddi National Park Australia
Bouddi National Park Australia
Glacial Stones by Jeff Jessing / 500px
Glacier Stones - St. Mary Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana | by Jeff Jessing on 500px
Roasted Salmon with Avocado and Grapefruit Salsa
The beauty of nature :) ✮ Rainbows in Ramsey Cascades - Great Smokey Mountain National Park
Yellowstone National Park | My Website / Blog
Yellowstone National Park.