What Can't You Buy With $23?

Michigan Republicans are giving taxpayers a 0.1% tax cut this year, after raising taxes by $1.4 billion in their first year on the job. This will put $23 in the pocket of a Michigander that earns $50,000 a year. So what won't that buy you?
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It won't buy lunch with a lobbyist at Troppo in Lansing (wait, those are free for politicians).
It won't buy dinner for 2 at Schuler's, a restaurant in Speaker Bolger's hometown of Marshall.
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It won't replace the quarter-billion dollar tax hike on working Michiganders from eliminating the Earned Income Tax Credit.
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It won't pay for a textbook from WMU, where Speaker Bolger went to college.
It won't buy diapers for a mom who had the Earned Income Tax Credit taken away this year.
It won't pay for the new pension tax introduced last year by Republicans.