CONFESSIONS ... a sacramental primer. American Catholicism's late 20th century experience arcs from baptismal font, to rectory, to classroom, to school basement, to weddings & funerals & last rites. Seven actors play multiple roles in an extended family's extended confessional. Even the statuary has something to confess....
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CONFESSIONS 'even the statuary makes CONFESSIONS" TAI Read
The Wedding [Maria Becvar, Seth Shirley] from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
St Theresa & Ed Smith & church renovations from CONFESSIONS [Lily Ali-Oshatz, ptmc] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
St Joseph sits down on the job ... from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 [Seth Shirley, Lily Ali-Oshatz] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
Statuary Discourse...St Joseph & St Theresa from CONFESSIONS [Seth Shirley, Lily Ali-Oshatz] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
IN PASSING ... Dies Irae ... Ted & his father from CONFESSIONS [Jake Russo] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
Making a Spiritual Bouquet "How many ejaculations?" "Tell the truth & shame the devil" Annie, Sherry, Sister Margaret Elaine from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
First confession with Father Ed & Gary from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 [ptmc, James Salem] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
From CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 7th Grade think tank "What does bloamy mean?" [Maria Becvar, Seth Shirley, James Salem, Lily Ali-Oshatz, Jake Russo, Virginia Thomas] Photo: Cindy Boyle Images
Altar Breads with Sharon, Maggie, Annie from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 [Lily Ali-Oshatz, Virginia Thomas, Maria Becvar] PHOTO: Cindy Boyle Images
CONFESSIONS Gary, Sharon, Father Ed ... if you want to hear confessions "go into police work" [ptmc, James Salem, Lily Ali-Oshatz] Photo; Cindy Boyle Images
1st Confession ... Annie, Gary & Sherry from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 [Maria Becvar, James Salem, Lily Ali-Oshatz] PHOTO: Cindy Boyle Images
A Wedding from CONFESSIONS 2.23.14 with Maria Becvar, Lily Ali-Oshatz, James Salem, ptmc, Virginia Thomas, Seth SHirley