Outdoor Stuff

Cedar Creek
This is an attainable version of a porch with an outdoor kitchen. Like everything from the pitch of the roof to the materials. If I could have a back porch of this width and maybe twice the length that the pic shows, I would be happy.
Outdoor - Fire Pits, Fireplaces, BBQs | WoodlandDirect.com
The Grand Fireplace from Rockwood will be the centerpiece of your outdoor room. With its Solid Stone like strength, the Grand Fireplace can withstand almost any weather conditions. This is one piece of your outdoor room that will never need to be covered up.
Outdoor+Fireplaces | Outdoor fireplace, Belden brick, natural stone and limestone hearth ...
Easy Mason Jar Luminaries
mason jar luminaries - add solar light, leave on picnic table during the day to charge, always have a light when you return to camp
30 μέρη όπου θα ήθελες πολύ να είσαι τώρα | LiFO
dive-in movie theater for hot summer nights. DREAM HOME talk about outdoor movie night!