Probiotic rich foods, naturally fermented
14 Pins
Water kefir workshop Contact me at
How To - Water Kefir - Rawfully Tempting
How To - Water Kefir - Rawfully Tempting - YouTube
Buy and sell on the world's most socially driven marketplace | Storenvy
(Currently+only+available+in+US)+ +If+Storenvy+link+not+working,+please+use+this+link+-+I've+been+hearing+of+pro…
Rawfully Tempting Goodness on Storenvy
Awesome effervescent beverage. Good for your gut!! WK SALE!!! 20%OFF THRU SUNDAY...ORDER NOW!!! Use Coupon Code WK20.
Water Kefir Lab/Workshop - 3-22-15
Rawfully Tempting™: Water Kefir Lab/Workshop - 3-22-15
Buy directly from the world's most awesome indie brands. Or open a free online store.
(Currently only available in US) NEW - TRIAL SIZE.... For those a little shy to try our Large Water Kefir package, we are offering this trial size that contains 2 heaping Tablespoons of WK grains to get you started. Rember, these do multiply, but you'll start out with about 2 cups of beverage instead of 4 cups. ...
Live, Organic Water Kefir Grains - 1/4 Cup - US Only
(Currently only available in US) Water Kefir is an effervescent and refreshing probiotic beverage made by fermenting water kefir grains This can easily replace soda if you are trying to improve your diet. Water kefir grains are a colony of good organisms that feed off high quality organi...
Create your own probiotic-rich beverage for pennies a serving with organic water kefir grains!! (Tastes like a light soda)..effervescent!!!
Water Kefir Handbook (.pdf)
Water Kefir eBook From Rawfully Tempting Goodness on Storenvy.
Water Kefir Grains & Accessories from Rawfully Tempting Goodness
Protiotic rich foods and beverages
Water Kefir Grains & Accessories from Rawfully Tempting Goodness
Probiotic Rich, Naturally Fermented Foods