
508 Pins
Master the Magic Knot: Ultimate Yarn Joining Technique
Seamless Joins: Seamlessly joins yarn, creating a smooth, almost invisible connection between different skeins. No More Tails: Say goodbye to weaving in countless yarn tails. The magic knot minimizes loose ends, reducing the need for extensive finishing work. Sarah Korth, your expert guide, brings years of experience and a passion for enhancing your crafting journey.
Двухцветная английская резинка в технике бриошь
Двухцветная английская резинка в технике бриошь #вязание #крючком #спицами #рукоделие
PARACORD JB Mam | スネークノット比較動画 伸縮しにくい方法 フル動画はYouTube #paracord #knot #snakeknot #snake | Instagram
Reversible Scarf Knitting Patterns
Free Knitting Pattern for Reversible Asherton Scarf - This geometric tumbling blocks pattern looks the same on both sides. The geometric effect depends on how much you block it. It can look very sharp with blocking as in the pictured project or more wavy without much blocking. Designed by SmarieK. Pictured project by Carmela-Biscuit who also created a chart.
Diagonal Twist Scarf
Diagonal Twist Scarf | Purl Soho
Мужской вязаный шарф «Alcova
мужской вязаный шарф