Modern Molosser

A celebration of those imposing, dignified and majestic dogs know as the Molossers. Brought to you by
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12 Sections
Little Kids and Their Big Dogs 2020 Calendar
Back for a third year, the "Little Kids and Their Bog Dogs" calendar! Featuring the Leonberger, Great Dane (both black and Harlequin), Mastiff, Ca de Bou, Saint Bernard/St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Labrador Retriever, Irish Wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Gordon Setter, Greyhound and Hound
Some Dogo Argentino owners prefer to amplify the "macho" elements of their breed, rather than its steadfastness and loyalty. Modern Molosser |
In the face of European legislation against snub-nosed breeds, a prominent judge and fancier reminds that the Bullmastiff is not brachycephalic. Modern Molosser |
Brindle Cane Corsos Live Longer
A Czech researcher says striped Cane Corsos have increased longevity, regardless of color. Modern Molosser |
Enrico Drudi of Tisama Tosa Ken kennel in San Marino shares three decades of experience with the Tosa Inu, Japan's answer to the mastiff. Modern Molosser |
Have the ears gone wonky on your Bullmastiff or Dogo puppy? Help is on the way! Modern Molosser |
Dogo Argentino breeder and hunter Kassi McLaughlin describes the ideal - and often misunderstood - Dogo Argentino temperament. Modern Molosser |
Tosa Inu fan Larry Herman shares his search for the perfect puppy. Modern Molosser |
Molosser breeders and exhibitors – particularly those with Bullmastiffs and Mastiffs – agree that brindles face an unfairly uphill battle with judges. Modern Molosser |
Molosser breeders and exhibitors – particularly those with Bullmastiffs and Mastiffs – agree that brindles face an unfairly uphill battle with judges. Modern Molosser |
The Neapolitan Mastiff of a half-century ago is almost unrecognizable today, says Nicola Imbimbo. Modern Molosser |
An authoritative piece on Bullmastiff type by breeder-judge Helene Nietsch. Modern Molosser |
In a candid interview, Italian breeder Vito Indiveri discusses the expression, elegance, power, agility and strong, balanced character that define the Cane Corso. Modern Molosser |
When Modern Molosser sent out a call for our “Got Ink?” contest, we were inundated with a dazzling array of body art. Check out these tats! Modern Molosser |
A veterinarian shares the pros and cons — but mostly pros — of naturally reared and raw-fed Molossers. Modern Molosser |